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Online courses to take at your own pace, available alone or as part of the DREAM program.

The Stress Solution

Learn how to transform stress and overwhelm into peace and certainty. You'll discover the secrets to protecting your physical and emotional health from the dangerous effects of stress, and rebooting your zest and vitality for a happier life and a more vibrant business.

The Blissful Sleep Bible

Discover the secrets to a great night's sleep, including the one thing you can do right now to help you sleep better tonight. You'll gain more energy, vitality and zest, and more success in all areas of your life. A good, restoring, restful night's sleep starts here!

The Self-Care Prescription

Self-care is not selfish - it's a necessity. It restores your vitality and protects you from stress, and helps you to care for others too. This beautiful, nurturing program provides everything you need to write your own self-care prescription and take care of yourself without guilt.

Energy Fast-Track

Stress, overwhelm, poor sleep and fatigue rob you of your energy. Learn how to quickly transform your vitality and enjoy all the energy you need to get you from bed to boardroom to a fun night out and back again, without leaving you exhausted for the next week.

The Confidence Compass

Along with vitality, confidence in yourself is key to success in every area of your life. This 4-week course will help you to build your self-esteem, self-worth and self-love and transform your confidence, self-belief and ability to achieve anything you desire.

Short Courses

These short, inexpensive courses will boost your wellbeing and uplift calm and relaxation.

Burnout Begone

Unrelenting stress puts you at risk of burnout, hurting your health, happiness and success in life and business. Learn how to beat burnout and protect your physical and emotional health with this short, highly effective program.

Meditation Masterclass

Meditation is an effective way to manage stress and improve your overall wellbeing. Now you can learn how to do it with this easy-to-follow short course to become a calmer, healthier, more peaceful you, even if you're a total beginner.

Draw the Line

Do you feel you need to always say yes? This can lead to overwhelm, exhaustion, stress and burnout. Learn how to set healthy boundaries and limits which protect and promote your vitality and wellbeing and are good for others too.